♥ Felt Food for the Play Kitchen ♥
And because we know what our little girls wants to play in the Kitchen!!!!
This delicious breakfast you can order for a special price at http://de.dawanda.com/product/28474385-Fruehstueck-Set-aus-Filz
Many more Menus to come!
I like realy much this kind of toys, they look real and they are not dangerous in the childrens hands.
E porque nós mamas sabemos bem o que as nossas pequninas preciisam nas suas cozinhas, este pequno almoco de feltro é o brinquedo ideal.
Para Encomendar este pequeno almoco a um preco especial: petitenumi@hotmail.com ou na loja online:http://de.dawanda.com/product/28474385-Fruehstueck-Set-aus-Filz
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